Well it is that time again when we start to fund raise to make this even happen, especially for the children. It is a brilliant camp and the children have so much fun together. They get to talk birthmarks and everything that goes with it.
The parents get to laugh and cry with each other about their journey. We ask each other questions, compare notes and talk about life in general.
I really cannot express what a wonderful event this is. As a parent it is so wonderful knowing other parents, chatting to them and just makes this aspect of my life that bit less lonely. Other parents who understand the tears, frustration, countless hospital visits, the beautiful person that is our child, a child who is so much more than a birth mark and dots all over their body.
All the parents and members of Nevus Australia are raising money in their own ways to make this next camp happen.
It is being organised for Melbourne, from October 4th until the 7th.
As I learn about what is happening in each state I will post here so people can spread the word and help us raise enough money.
So if you are able to please donate, even a few dollars, it truly all adds up! Visit the Nevus Australia website to donate and learn more.
Here is a pic of our gorgeous boy with his grown up Nevus buddy who he met for the first time at the last camp. It was so wonderful to meet Andrew and his wife, and hear him talk about his life and journey into adulthood with Nevus and everything that comes with it. Andrew is an inspiration and I am so glad us and so many families met him.
I would also like to add a big thank you to all the people who donated for the last camp. It happened because of you! We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.
Here's to the 2012 Nevus Camp and Conference!