Our sweet baby girl arrived in a speedy, very intense and hard labour, just over a week ago. Hub and I both were swaying more towards our babe being a boy, and laughed when we saw nope, another beautiful baby girl had joined our family. Another not so little girl! She was 11 pounds and 58.4cm long. She still feels so tiny in my arms though.
Having her first feed, all snuggled up with Mummy and her fan club! The other children all adore her and always want to look at her and cuddle her. Miss 2 wants to eat her, or kiss her to death. She will hear her cry and say '
Ohhh baby sister!'
Master 5 asked me to take some pics with her. He has been very cute, just watching her, gently touching her hand. It is very sweet to watch him, especially as I would say he is the most energetic and on the go out of all the children.
Our days have been quite slow and lazy, perfect for
babymooning. Over the next week we will be getting ready for Christmas. The children are all very excited and looking forward to a day of fun at
Nanna and Poppy's house.
Well done wonderful woman, and blessings to you and your beautiful family!! Are you going well with getting some rest as well?? Are you sure it's your last?? Two days after the birth of my eighth, and I'm wondering if I really do want to shut that door..... Big love and congratulations!!
Congratulations once again Clare. Squeee! I love being able to brag about a friend who pushes out enormous babies at home. ;D Hope you keep enjoying a wonderful babymoon and that this little miss brings you all so much joy. xxo
Huge congrats on your new wee woman xoxo
Oh, how beautiful!
It's ages since I've visited your blog, but I'm so glad I came to see this is your most recent post. :)
CONGRATULATIONS to you and your hubby, and your beautiful family.
Hugs! :)
Thank you everyone! As I said to hub, this is our last babe, we will enjoy every second :)
oh Hellena, congratulations! Can't wait to read all about your birth journey.
I have had a very restful babymoon. My recovery and healing has been fantastic this time, partly due to this bub so nicely being anterior I'd say too, lol.
Oooohh yes definitely the last baby. My body has made it very clear to me, and in my heart I know as much as I adore babies, I need to concentrate on looking after me and my health now. When we average 10 and a half pound babes, it takes it's toll on a body :)
Mind, body and soul, I am ready for the next stage of our lives.
However I will be snuggling and enjoying the women and their babies that come into my life with my birth and breastfeeding work :D
Off to snuggle my babe, and smell her as much as I can before that sweet smell goes!
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