Lotusbirther over at Embracing Life has passed on a Lemonade award to me. Debs from A Simple Life passed it on to her. I have copied Debs cute pic of the Lemonade Stand from her blog. Thank you Debs!
It's the Lemonade Award for bloggers with great attitude or gratitude
Now for me to pass it on to 10 people, and then they can pass it on. If they want to. It's ok if you don't, seriously. But it's fun. OK, so go do it.
~ Loz at Confession Time. A very dear friend of mine with two gorgeous boys and a beautiful baby girl born very recently :) She is a loving, caring person and I wish I had half her energy and dedication. We share a passion for unhindered birth, breastfeeding support and strength and courage for all women.(Amongst many others)
~ Next is Alecat at Serenades and Solace. Another homeschooling Mum who is a wonderful person always ready and willing to help others still finding their way with homeschooling, such as myself.
~ Keptwoman at Jumped the Ditch. Another homeschooling Mum, noticed a pattern yet, hehe.
She has also shown patience and time to help me since I first began my homeschooling journey with my children.
~ Lauren at Owlet is so so talented and a wonderful person. She makes beautiful creations in clothing, craft and other gorgeous artsy things. I would love to have even the creativity in her little finger. I get giddy when I sew a button and it stays on!
~ April at A Day in The Life. Another talented Mumma with 3 squishable, gorgeous boys. She has a new store selling her gorgeous knits, despite her thinking that she is not that great at it, which she is!! I have the proof, a gorgeous little sleeveless dress April knitted with love for my little bubba. It was one of my favourite gifts of all time. (pics to come)
~ From Booba and Beyond is a wonderful blog about a very special one year old girl called Harriet. As told from her very talented Mama. Harriet was born gently at home just like our baby girl and I have enjoyed so much, reading about her as she grows, and changes, and moves from baby to toddler.
~ Klynch at Land of Dragons and Butterflies always makes me laugh. She lives in New Mexico with her Hub and toddler son and bubba girl.
I love reading about how other people live around the world, especially when I am hot in the southern hemisphere Summer and I can go here and see pics of the snow!
~ Nat at Bustin' out Baby is an Aussie Mumma living in Japan with her Hub and gorgeous little girl. I love reading about life in Japan and how different our two countries are.
~ Tiff at Three Ring Circus. We both share our own stories about children who were born extra special. She is another Mumma who has her heart and hands full. She is also a wonderful photographer.
~ Swift Jan at 1, 2, 3, 4 kicked my toe on the door also lives in beautiful Australia with her Hub and 2 gorgeous children. I love reading about the funny things her children say, it makes me feel normal that my kids are just as 'interesting' with their view of the world.
Choosing only ten was quite hard actually, as there are so many great logs that I enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy the ones I have mentioned here as much as I do.
I'm glad you worked out how to display your award! Better woman than me!
Now I'm off to explore your juicy looking choice of blogs...
Wow! Thank you so much. That made my day!
Hope you like the blogs lotusbirther!
Glad to hear that Tiggy :)
What a lovely idea. Now, to check out the award receivers :)
Oh wow! Thanks HaH, I feel spesh :D
I don't know if I can do this on Harri's blog as those who I'd want to give the award to have already been honoured, most notably you! I love reading your thoughtful reflections on how deeply you appreciate being a mother, even in the hard moments and I love watching your youngest grow too fast with you on this blog xoxo
I feel all warm and fuzzy now! :D Thanks and mwah.
Thank you for thinking of me!
How sweet of you.
Love to you and the children. :)
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