Thursday, 20 January 2011

Where to Start?!

I know, it has been far too long. 4 weeks is a long time between drinks!

We have been so busy the last month and a bit. Any free days in between have been spent lazing about eating icy-poles or swimming.

I will use dot points as there is just so much that has happened. A few of these deserve their own posts, and I am working on that.

~ Miss I thought she was only a few months old turned ONE! Ugh, I won't bore you with my usual carry on about kids and bloody growing.

~ Hub started a new job the week before Christmas. Yes, we are crazy. We live on the edge and jump at opportunities that may seem nuts, but heck, why not!
Hub is loving his new job and there is a big difference in his mood now. It's always hard leaving a job you are comfy in, but we feel it is also important to enjoy your work, and not forget that emotional health is just as important for well being.
I am so proud of Hub, for his courage and determination to move on and find another job. And still being there for me and the munchkins.

~ Christmas. Can you say crazy?

~ 2nd Christmas. Due to the fact we forgot the presents and really didn't want to drive the hour and a half back home to get them, and the return hour and a half to get back to my parentals.
We decided to have a 2nd Christmas at my bother and sister-in-laws house. It was a brilliant day.

~ Gorgeous babies being born. There really is nothing lovelier than a precious baby. I feel so blessed to have worked with some of the mums with care and breastfeeding help. Even with 6 children there is still much to learn about feeding, and being able to help other mothers. But I am determined, passionate and have a strong desire to help others. I know my beginning journey with feeding would have been so much smoother if I had the help. Then again I may not have become as passionate and fiery as I am now had that journey been any other way.

~ New Years Eve/Day. We went to bed before midnight. Oh my gosh. Yes we did. When, how, did we become old farts? Last I checked other 31 year olds were up late, drinking and having fun.
I always look forward to the new year. Fresh beginnings. There was a big group of people partying and ringing in the new year. We figured we would know it was midnight soon enough. And we did. All the cheering, and laughter and shouting of 'Happy New Year!'
Bring on 2011 I say!

~The Nevus Camp/Conference which was held in Adelaide. We all had a wonderful time. Our little man was so cute and sad when we had to leave. He was so sad that he would miss his 'birthmark buddies'
The children had so much fun together. And the parents had a great time being able to ask each other questions, learn more and be able to relax and chat with other parents who get it.
(This needs a post on it's own. It will be big)

~Starting to get details for our house. I have several contacts and a list of information we need to get started on the first steps of building our 'dream home'.
I am so excited. Sometimes it feels it will never happen, time is dragging. It feels so far away. Like a vision for down the track.
But now we are down the track. And this house is not going to build itself.
There is lots of work to do, and lots of phone calls and meetings, and no doubt fights and tears and whining, but I am excited!

~ The kids activities are have started. Back into it! Swimming, Basketball and this year Archery! Hub will be taking the young Archers as he is keen to give it a try too. Have fun!

Among all that there was visits with friends, birth day parties, family gatherings, packing and unpacking for trips, tired parents and at times cranky kids, but over all we had a wonderful time and are looking forward to finding our rhythm to our home again.
We will have another week or so of 'holiday mode' then get back into it. Well, I have a few syllabus to write and scanning, printing and books to be delivered first. Those things help a little when you have 4 people doing Home Ed this year!

I will do my best to get the other blog posts up ASAP. I now have a LOT of other blogs to catch up on!