Friday, 30 January 2009

Adding my piece in the bloggin world about this bloody weather in the Southern Hemisphere

I thought I would jump on the and wagon, and mention how damn HOTT it has been these last few days Down Under. When something, or someone is really, really hot, I add on another 't' .

Some totally NOT useful facts about how Hott it is are as follows

~ January 1908 Five days over 40degrees

~In Jan 1959 three days in a row over 40degrees

~ Yesterday was so hot that the wiring on a roof of a Supermarket caught fire and half the store burn down.

~ Today marked 3 days in a row that I have worn only my underwear for nearly the whole day. Of course you wanted to know that

~ My 2 year old has been naked for the last 3 days, and also the last approx 2 years of his life :)

~ That 'cool change' has yet to be seen. And I promise you that when it does, if it does, I will dance naked in the back yard. What is it with you wanting to hear about me being naked? Sheesh!

~ Tonight is the 3rd hottest night on record.

~ The land has not been this dry at the start of the year since 1932, with less than two percent of the average rainfall.

~ It is now 2am and 5 out of the 7 in our family are still awake. Make that 6, Hub just walked in the kitchen.

~ Despite me pouring with sweat my daughter insists that we need lots of cuddles today. What we won't do for our kids hey!

~ Until a week ago we thought Summer would not come. The weather had been quite mild and Hub and I decided against getting another air con for the other end of the house. Look whose not laughing now.

~ It is so hot that my palms keep sliding off the keyboard.

~ This post is as boring as the weather is hot!

Tomorrow is excepted to be another Hott day. High temp getting to approx. 44 degrees again. Hub and I talked tonight and agreed as soon as he finishes work we are heading to either the beach or the local pool. I am tossing up the pros and cons of each. The pools have a kiddy area with a fence around it, so I don;t have to get up every five seconds, but kids pee in it. The each has a lovely breeze and is free, but there is sand. I love the beach, just not too keen on sand.

What to do eh? Tune in soon to find out what radical plan we chose!!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Cobbled with Fairy Floss

Ugh, I know, I know, I am the biggest blog slacker there is!
The thing is, life has been slow, and what I am sure others would think kind of boring. We get up late, have breaky then play outside, or read, or do a bit of washing or cleaning. See, boring yeah?

What is quite mundane, but highly exciting in the scheme of this blog, is the runners/cross trainers that I finally got last week. I am well known in the fact that I am ok with pink, but would prefer to not have everything I own pink. Which is my problem with girl clothes. It is nearly ALL pink. It drives me batty. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I don't want pink in my children's wardrobes. What I am saying is there are so many beautiful colours out there in the world and I want as many as we can get for all our children. A rainbow of clothes. Bright and cheery.

So of course when I tried these runners on I rolled my eyes and smiled at the Hub "They're pink" and what sucks more is they are really, really comfy! So I got them. They reminded me of fairy floss. So far they are feeling good, and have survived my stomping in them as I go on my walks or to the gym for a class. Yes, a class at the gym. I used to go after Bub 4, to help me get some energy and some kind of fitness, ha!
The same thing that happened then is happening now. I get the giggles, and I cannot stop. I can't help but smile as the instructor is getting right into the rhythm and yelling out to keep it up, and let's go! On top of that there are some, hmm, interesting people at the class. In particular one m an who, I am sure if he had his way, would be the only one in the room. He is just bursting with energy and puts in a lot of effort to prance from one side of the room to the other, whilst the rest of us are managing to stay in our designated square foot.

It's good fun though, and I have had loads more energy since cutting down on a lot of indulging foods. Don't worry though, I am not cutting my faves out. No way. I love hot chips and I looooove chocolate, and I want them in my life. The difference is now instead of having it every day and sometimes that night, I am having a smaller amount once or twice a week.

In other news the kids are having lots of fun on their 'school' holidays. My eldest son has read the last two Harry Potter books in just 4 weeks. He said he would like to read them all over again, which is great, but I thought I might start adding some more books to our library. Last night while out shopping I spotted some Roald Dahl books. The Twits, Danny the Champion of the World, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches and others. I loved these books when I was younger so I got him Danny the Champion of the World and he started reading it as soon as I got it in the door. I love that he reads because he wants to, he enjoys it. I love it when he comes to me with whatever book he is reading to tell me something he has just read.

As well as reading, we are also cooking and doing some arts and crafts. Hmm, yes, you read it right. Just the thought of these things makes my eye twitch and my brain to go into shock 'Not again, c'mon, don;t you remember the mess from last time?'
In the pic above my daughter is 'helping' me mix the batter, while talking on the phone. Quite the multi-tasker already at only 4.
With the nicer weather we have been able to do some crafts outside, which while it sounds better, actually isn't. I still have to pick up any mess, wipe off paint from the plants, garage, trampoline, bikes, back door.... you get the picture.

And at the end of a long day with oh so much fun the children fall asleep, anywhere and everywhere. Here we have our 2 year old, asleep at the table with the Ipod. He loves it, and will get quite upset should it be someone else's turn. We could have 5, of the same colour, and there would still be arguing, as one would have a scratch somewhere, or a little dint, or a smudge from someone else on it, or someone breathed on it!
All part of the family fun!
I am hesitant to write it down, because it means it is real and going to happen. Sigh. Soon we will be celebrating bubs 1st birthday. It really has come around so damn quickly. In the past week she has taken steps. Yes, walking steps. But I'm not ready!! 'Ha ha my funny mother, but I am, outta my way.' The other kids are her biggest fans, and love sitting in front of her encouraging her and squealing with delight as she wobbles towards them. I do love that we are sharing this memory together. I love that when she is older there will be others who can share in the moment and tell their version.

Monday, 12 January 2009

The Year Ahead

2009 is in full swing. Like the start of every year I am looking forward to events, happenings, birthdays, anniversaries. Lots of happy days to enjoy.
Of course along with the great days there are not so great days.

In a couple of months we will take our 2 year old back to his surgeon to check how his scar is healing and also to talk about the next surgery, which he will be having this year.
I know that every surgery is a another step towards improving our sons health, but it really scares me.
I hate the thought of his little body, so vulnerable at the hands of the surgeons. And while I know they are fantastic, caring surgeons dedicated to children's health, it is only to be expected that parents worry.
At least this time we know the ropes, the way things go at the hospital. The people who will look after our son and us.

Another big event, well two, happening this year is the 30th birthdays of hub and I. I know! 30. I can't get my head around why I am having trouble dealing with it. I think it has a bit to do with me thinking that the twenties are youthful. When you hit 30, you are meant to be more mature.
I don't FEEL like I am about to start my next decade. Tell you the truth I feel about 26. I always liked that number.
Hub on the other hand doesn't seem too phased. Just another birthday. A milestone, so why not throw a party. So he is!
I am happy to just go out for dinner and a movie with Hub on the day. Yes, I am a cheap date. Not much comes close to me being able to eat a meal all to myself and talk to my husband without being interrupted by little munchkins. Adult conversation, woot! But of course we all know the majority of the conversation will be about the kids, ha ha
I have agreed to a small BBQ to celebrate this new era with friends and family. If I HAVE to turn 30, may as well make a party out of it!

My favourite event for this new year is the 15th Anniversary of Hub and I. No, not marriage, I don't count that. We had been together 6 years before our wedding, and while it was a beautiful day, it was a celebration of us being legally connected to eachother, all packaged neatly on one piece of paper.
We count our time together from day one. The day we both said, yup, you're a bit of alright, let's be together.
Those doing that maths have realised we were 15 when we got together. Yes, pretty young. I look back at photos of us and it makes me laugh, and cringe for the future of our children.
We have been to hell and back in that 15 years. The highest highs, and the deepest, darkest lows.
But we are here, we made it through and we are stronger and better people for it. We didn't give up, when so many people would have. There really is nothing that we couldn't conquer together. I look forward to the next 15 years of love, laughter, tears, craziness, chaos and joy. We have lots of wonderful ideas and plans for the future, and I am fortunate to be sharing it with my best friend.

Our house. Ah yes, like our relationship, full of highs and lows. We have put a lot of time and effort into this place and I am looking forward to be out of our little shoebox. We are at full capacity and in need of more room.
I am over painting, fixing, changing, moving furniture, and all that goes with renovating. We have decided to leave the gorgeous 70's kitchen as it is, ready for the next owners to either love and leave, or cringe like we do at the orange'ness and rip it out.
I have everything crossed that the first people who come to look want to buy it. A long shot I know, but selling a house is a major pain in the butt, and keeping the house clean for potential buyers to look is a feat in itself, let alone throwing 5 children into the mix.
So if you can, send some sell quick vibes our way.

Yes, the year ahead is chock full of fun. I have given you a mere snippet of what to look forward to. But, be assured there is going to be much more goings on, no doubts lots of laughing, lots of tears, lots of 'Leave your sister alone' and Leave your brother alone' and 'Shut the door' and 'Oh my god, tell me that's not poo!'

I can feel your excitement!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Do you want to be skinny?

A few people have asked this in the last 20 hours since my last post. No, I don't want to be skinny. I have never been 'skinny' as it is not my body shape.
My weight has floated around the same weight, within 5 or so kgs since puberty right up to when I fell pregnant with my first child. My shape has always been curvy. As a teenager I would buy magazines such as Dolly, and later Cosmo and Cleo. I would obsess over the tall, thin, sun kissed models and long to look like that. I hated my thighs and my curves and my bigger breasts.

Even at my fittest and healthiest, playing competitive sport several times a week the curves and boobs remained. This was my body shape. I only wish I was stronger back then to accept them and love me how I was.

Through having babies my weight has certainly gone up and down a lot. Part and parcel really, and I have always been fine with it. As I said yesterday I would start to get moving again when bubs was around 5 months. The reason being the same as it is now, and was 2 months ago. I had no energy. This was not because of my weight, but because I was eating poorly and not exercising at all. Well I would walk to the letterbox and put a load of washing on the line, but that was it.

After our latest baby I have eaten the worst I ever have, and this was the cause of my lack in energy and overall could not be bothered ways. The kids would ask to go to the park or for a ride, swimming or for me to just play outside. I would make excuses not to do it. Hang on, just let me finish watching this show. Maybe tomorrow. Let's do it on the weekend with Daddy.
But it never happened.
I was sluggish, and at worst quite cranky with the kids, for being, well, kids.

The foods I was eating were high calorie, high sugar, low or no nutritional value and of course soo yummy to me. Foods that I didn't want the children to eat, yet I was.
I would even lie to hub about what I ate that day as I felt guilty about the money.
That was another big motivator, money. I was spending money on unhealthy food that while it made me feel good while I was eating it, I would feel ill soon after. What a waste of money I would think. But of course the next day I would be craving more.
When we were talking about our daily food intake Hub also confessed he too was eating lots of unhealthy food, and larger portions too.

Two months into cutting out a lot of unhealthy foods and we both are feeling so much more energetic. One of the kids will come with me on my walk each evening and it is wonderful to chat as we walk. I am able to talk and walk at the same time now as I am not puffed out like when I first started. I was also pleasantly surprised to nice the other day our bank balance. Despite buying lots of fresh and veggies(which aren't always to cheap), we are still with more at the end of the week than were a few months ago.

Our journey is towards eating better and modelling good habits and a healthy relationship with food for our children, and ourselves.
I love chocolate and don't want to cut it out of my food. Hub loves his cordial, so that is not cut out either. The difference now is we are not having the excessive amounts we used to. Moderation is a word I am learning more about. Eating smaller portions, and taking my time to eat.

So while I said yesterday that I didn't like the reflection in the shop window, it is much more than my physical appearance. The reflection showed me what no exercise and eating far too much crap was doing to my outer body.
I am not conforming to society and that thin is healthy. Because I don't believe that. I know people who are my size and will leave me for dead in a jog around my street. They just eat better and exercise.

I don't want to look like anyone else, that is unrealistic. My shape is unique to me. If I am comparing myself to anyone, it is to me. The me who eats nutritionally and gets some exercise every day. I am changing my lifestyle and food choices for myself, my future and for our family.


I'll do my best not to bore you with any more eating better and going on my walks posts from now on, there are so many more fun and interesting things to talk about :)
Like how if you happened to come past my house today you would have seen a naked toddler, half naked baby, a 4 year old dressed in her 8 year old brothers clothes practicing her karate chops and saying 'Hi-ya' way too much, and 2 brothers dressed in the Star Wars gear battling the dark forces of suburbia.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

New Years Resolutions...

In the past I have made New Years Resolutions. I don't recall actually going through with any of them. So now, in my wiser years, ha! I don't do them.
I do think of a lot of things I would like to do or accomplish. Mostly though, that is what they are and stay, thoughts.

Every time after having a baby I have wrestled with my rational head space about getting back into some sort of shape. To get my butt off the couch and get some energy back again. The first 4 babies I was ale to get crackin around the 5 months mark. Except for my first babe which I was back to my healthy weight, albeit a different shape, within 2 months. However the motivation back then was our wedding that was coming up which we had changed after bubs EDD was our original wedding date!
Thankfully everything that had a deposit paid was also able to move dates too, phew!

Our latest Bubs was born almost 12 months ago. I know! Time if flying right! Maybe that was my problem, time going by so fast I didn't have time to exercise or even just get my butt out for a walk. Before I knew it winter was upon us and we all know it's too cold to go out.
Let's not forget my excuse of having 5 children! How can I possibly get moving with them all now that my double pram was busted.
Excuses. I had one for everything.
I did start, several times though. And stopped after a week. The motivation just wasn't there. Even seeing pictures of myself didn't help like it had in the past.
It was much easier to keep eating comfort foods everyday and doing the minimal amount of movement possible.

Then about 2 months ago I thought about 2009. There are some big events this year, including Hub's and my 30 birthdays. I looked at a picture of myself taken that day as we talked and said I don't want to look like this on my birthday. But more to the point I want to be healthy and have more energy like I deserve.
Some may laugh, well you have 5 children of course you are tired. Well this was a different kind of tired. Within an hour of waking up I'd want to lay down on the couch and watch the kids play or draw or ask me the millionth question for the day.
Again, just the thought of moving off my butt and out the house was too much effort for me.

I also caught my reflection in a shop window and was almost shocked to see it. Was that me? Surely not. I don't have two butts! The reflection I was looking at did not match the perception I had in my head. Of course that night I had some chocolate to make me feel better. But that only ever lasts until it's all gone, and you are looking at the empty wrapper, or wrappers in my case.

So Hub and I decided to do it together. We needed motivation, strength and encouragement from eachother to not only start, but stick to it.
Which is why I haven't posted about it until now, 2 months later. It wasn't that I thought we couldn't do it, but more about coming back in here a week later saying, well, so much for that.

I am confident now that we have changed many habits and are still moving forward. Each week we get better and better at saying no to foods we used to love, and have too often, and saying yes to eating smaller amounts of whole, healthy foods. Saying yes to getting out the house and moving, moving, moving.

We are in a great groove at the moment which helps a lot. Every night Hub comes home and chills with the kids for a while. I get ready for my walk. I have already prepared or have organised diner for him to cook, which he starts when I walk out the door.
Off on my walk I go. The first time I went it nearly killed me. I was huffing and puffing so much, embarrassed at the thought that people I walked past could hear. Embarrassed that people would see me and think to themselves 'Keep movin'
My internal dialogue was going a million miles an hour. This is too hard. Keep going. I want to stop. I want to have more energy. Is that my lower back fat I can feel whacking my butt? C'mon Mumma, you can do it. Is it quicker to turn back now and go home? Just keep swimming.

When I made it home finally that first day it had taken me way too long to walk almost 3kms.
My heart was pumping loudly and I was a beetroot face. But I had a weird feeling. It was satisfaction. I had done it. I felt sore, but so pleased with myself.
Every walk since then has been a little bit easier. As the weeks have gone by I have lengthened my walked and quickened my pace.
There is a hill I go up near the start of my walk. That first night I almost crawled up it. Now I can walk up quite fast, and not get out of breath.

I know I still have a long way to go, but so far so good. My motivation now is not just about my outer image matching the image I have in my head, but about feeling healthy and having more energy for myself and my family. The kids love it when we go bush walking. I want to be able to keep up with them and not be puffed out.
The older kids have mentioned how fun it would be for me to get a bike so we can ride together. I would like that also. Like I said earlier, time is flying by, and I want to enjoy this time with the kids. I want to be a good role model for my daughters in eating well and being healthy for a long, fulfilling life.

I think most of all, I want to feel good about myself again. On the inside and the outside.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Goodness time really does fly when you skip a day or 10 on your blog!! ok, so now it is another few more days. Could I be slacker? of course!

Here are some pics to re cap our silly season.
This first pic is the dadda, putting up our first official tree ever with our 4, 6 and 8 year olds.

The bubba helping dadda put the star on top. She was more interesting in eating to be honest. Mmm glittery goodness.

Our two year asked very nicely for no more pics please. In truth he was squealing nooooooooo
He is upset about something here, who knows.

Christmas Morning. Here is the 4 year old with her new easel. Her first drawing was of the whole family, with really, really big heads and looong legs.

At nanna and poppy's house playing with new toys.

In the evening the bubbs bestie came over, with her parents to help us celebrate. Here are the two munchkins playing at the window. I love this photo.
Haz's mumma gave me the best present ever, a book. I love books. It saddens me that for years the only books I have read are on average 10 pages long and with characters that are animals, cars or tractors.
I am very keen to get back into reading for me, and Memoirs of a Geisha is the start. I also got a gorgeous necklace in a lovely green colour. It is retro, suits me, and I love it.

The bubba slapping on the window. She was whacking it quite hard and laughing. So cute. If only she would listen to me and slow down with this growing up business.

Boxing Day afternoon nap with dadda and the bubba. In the last month or so bubba has been quite happy to snuggle with dadda when she is tired, and fall asleep on him. This is lovely for them to snuggle together, and gives mumma a chance to do things round the house, catch up on blogging!!! ha! or even read :)

My beautiful bubba. Here you are at 11 months old. Even when you are squealing so loud I think my ears are going to burst, I smile at you. Everything you do makes me smile, or laugh, sometimes cry. You fit perfectly into our little family and we all adore watching you grow, too quickly, everyday. You have 8 little, sharp, baby teeth. You have the cutest crawl and are very fast nowadays. I have to look around me before I move now as you can get from place to place in no time. I have tripped over you a few times as I didn't know you were right behind me. You squealed to let me know my feet on your fingers hurts. Sorry my darling.

Your siblings continue to adore and worship you. They will do anything to make you laugh and smile. They are ready to be there for you any time and you love it. They will lean and smile at you, you will whack them on the head, they pretend to fall back and you laugh and laugh. It is very cute and never ceases to make me smile. This is a great game than can go on for at least 5 minutes, enough time for me to think I can get something done.

The past week in particular you have been cruising along the furniture. Why must you want to walk, and grow up. I love that you are making milestones, but it pangs my heart at the same time. I want to remember it all, but I can't. I will look back at photos and remember when it was taken, as I have done with the other children. Moments now that are so fresh in my mind will fade. Little things standing out that I will recall when you are older. One of the joys of older siblings is that they remember things about you also, and will no doubt tell you in years to come about how you ate one of their pieces of lego, or grabbed at the book you were reading and ripped a page from you and giggled, which made you giggle and say 'Oooh don't tell Mummy'

In no time at all it will be your first birthday. 12 months old. From here I can look into the loungeroom at the spot where you were born. It is the one thing I love about this house, and will no doubt miss the most. The joy that came across my face when we first laid eyes on one another is burned in my memory forever. That I know for sure.

Here you are looking up at me, smiling as soon as you saw the camera. Of course as soon as I took this photo your 2 year old brother came running up smiling and saying "Cheeeeese, cheeeeese, cheee-eese!'