Sweet baby, today you are 5 months young. A cliche (or several) is perfect here, time has flown by! You have grown so much and our family has loved every moment.
You are adored by your older siblings, sometimes a little too much by the little ones, as they lean on you to kiss your cheek. I want to jump in and save you but I wait a second as you seem to know what they are doing and don't mind, amazingly.
You were born in water in our
loungeroom. A family birth, welcomed by your very excited siblings. I love that they were able to see how normal birth is. How important it is for baby to be with Mummy from birth and then to stay as close as possible for the
4th trimester. Being in the wrap was perfect for this.You have recently discovered how loud and high you can pitch your voice. Wow! This is hilarious to watch. You kick your little legs as fast as they can go and squeal, very loud. However at 1am, not so hilarious.
You sleep in bed with Daddy and I which you and I both love. I love it as I get so much more sleep and you love being close to mummy and of course booby milk. I read on another blog about how first babies pave the way for future siblings. This is very true for our family. Your eldest brother is often called our guinea pig baby. We learnt many lessons with him, made mistakes as well as success's. The biggest lesson was to listen to my heart and not those of others who gave, whether asked or not, advice.
'Rod for your own back' was always the reasoning behind their advice. I soon learnt it was all based on their opinion and not baby friendly at all. "It's just what you do" they would say. For not reason or thought, just because.
Babies do not 'need' to exercise their lungs. Last I checked lungs were not a muscle, and cries where a babe's way of telling us they needed something. Nappy change, elimination, booby, a cuddle,maybe a bit of wind, etc
With each baby our confidence grew and we relaxed more, even though each baby has been very different. After 5 babies I can say with confidence no two babies are alike, and to treat them the same is not fair. They are all individuals. They all have different personalities.
You our sweet 5th baby are quite chilled and very happy most of the time. This may change over time or may not. I never assume to know or judge what my children are like. As this leaves no room for them to change as they grow.
At the moment you are squealing at your older sister, Miss 3 going on 30, sings and giggles with you. She adores you so much and tells you how when you are older you, her and mummy will go shopping and dancing.
You love attention and faces, especially smiles. When Daddy gets home he will smile at you and say "Hello" and your eyes light up, legs start kicking and cue the squeeealing! Again like Mummy, he is not too keen on this at 1 in the morning. But we don't mind as too soon the time will pass and you will be in your own bed and we will be saying how much we miss having a babe in the bed with us.
One of my favourite times with you is when I carry you in the wrap. If you are tired you will fall asleep in a matter of minutes. We get lots of attention when we are out in the wrap. Lots of other mums and mums to be want to know all about the wrap, where to get one, how it works.
They all mention how comfy and warm you look next to Mummy, which I nod and smile at thinking "well of course she is."
Here you are asleep on me. Awwwww, so snug.
I have said it with each new baby, but it is true. It is as though you were always there, just waiting for your turn to join us. With each babe I forget what it was like before they were here. They all fit in perfectly, adding their own touch to our growing family.
You have added such love, tenderness and laughter. Your biggest fan is your eldest brother. He can hear you before anyone else, except me. He is tuned into you and ready to pick you up when you need. He will say to you "It's ok, big brother is here. Do you want some mummy's milk?"
Happy 5 months baby girl.